کار کنید
Benefits of working in Canada
Working in Canada is safe, the wages are competitive and work permits enable the spouse and children of workers to accompany them to Canada. Additionally, foreign nationals can increase their eligibility for PR by gaining Canadian work experience. The following programs award value for Canadian work experience:
Express Entry
Canadian Experience Class (CEC)
Federal Skilled Worker (FSW)
Federal Skilled Trades (FST)
Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs)
Quebec Immigration Programs
Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program
Types of Canadian work permits
Some work permits require a job offer from a Canadian employer, some require that the employer provide a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), while others require that a person has some sort of connection to Canada (previous education, spousal sponsorship, etc.).
Requiring a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)
Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP)
LMIA Work Permits
Facilitated LMIA (Quebec)
Global Talent Stream
LMIA-Exempt but requiring a job offer or employment contract
International Mobility Program (IMP)
LMIA-Exempt Work Permits
NAFTA Work Permits
CETA Work Permits
Intra-Company Transfers
Open Work Permits (no job offer or LMIA required)
Post-Graduation Work Permits (PGWP)
Spousal Sponsorship from Inside of Canada
International Experience Canada (IEC)
Bridging Open Work Permit (BOWP)
Spouse Accompanying International Student
How to obtain a Canadian work permit
There are two general pathways for obtaining a Canadian work permit: a closed work permit and an open work permit.
Closed work permits are tied to specific employers, this means that a foreign national issued a closed work permit must remain working with the same employer at the same location unless they change their work permit. An open work permit allows a foreign national to work for any Canadian employer he/she wants over a specified period of time. Some open work permits may restrict the kind of job or place in which the foreign national may work. A worker may apply for an open work permit from outside of Canada, within Canada or at a Canadian port of entry.